179 lines
3.7 KiB
179 lines
3.7 KiB
* @var attempts
* @description Number of attempts
* @type {number}
let attempts = 1;
* @constant dispatch
* @description Shortcut to send messages to background script
* @type {void}
const dispatch = chrome.runtime.sendMessage;
* @var intervalId
* @description Task interval identifier
* @type {number}
let intervalId = 0;
* @var loading
* @description Is extension loading?
* @type {boolean}
let loading = true;
* @var selectorsFromCache
* @description Array of selectors
* @type {string[]}
let selectorsFromCache = [];
* @var selectorsFromNetwork
* @description Array of selectors
* @type {string[]}
let selectorsFromNetwork = [];
* @function fix
* @description Fix scroll issues
const fix = () => {
const html = document.documentElement;
const body = document.body;
const facebook = document.getElementsByClassName("_31e")[0];
if (body) body.style.setProperty("overflow-y", "unset", "important");
if (facebook) facebook.style.setProperty("position", "unset", "important");
if (html) html.style.setProperty("overflow-y", "unset", "important");
if (!loading) dispatch({ state: "ready", type: "UPDATE_STATE" });
* @function search
* @description Retrieves HTML element if selector exists
* @param {string} selector
* @returns {HTMLElement | null} An HTML element or null
const search = (selector) => {
if (!selector.includes("[") && !selector.includes(">")) {
if (selector.startsWith(".")) {
return document.getElementsByClassName(selector.slice(1))[0];
if (selector.startsWith("#")) {
return document.getElementById(selector.slice(1));
} else {
return document.querySelector(selector);
return null;
* @function removeFromCache
* @description Removes matched elements from cache results
const removeFromCache = () => {
for (let i = selectorsFromCache.length; i--; ) {
const selector = selectorsFromCache[i];
const element = search(selector);
if (element) {
const tagName = element.tagName.toUpperCase();
if (!["BODY", "HTML"].includes(tagName)) {
loading = false;
* @function removeFromNetwork
* @description Removes matched elements from network results
const removeFromNetwork = () => {
for (let i = selectorsFromNetwork.length; i--; ) {
const selector = selectorsFromNetwork[i];
const element = search(selector);
if (element) {
const tagName = element.tagName.toUpperCase();
if (!["BODY", "HTML"].includes(tagName)) {
loading = false;
hostname: document.location.hostname,
state: { matches: [selector] },
* @function runTasks
* @description Starts running tasks
const runTasks = () => {
if (attempts >= 5 || selectorsFromCache.length === 0) {
loading = false;
if (attempts <= 20) {
if (attempts <= 5) removeFromNetwork();
if (document.readyState === "complete") attempts += 1;
if (attempts > 20) {
* @description Setup extension context
{ hostname: document.location.hostname, type: "GET_CACHE" },
({ enabled, matches }) => {
dispatch({ type: "ENABLE_POPUP" });
if (enabled) {
dispatch({ state: "loading", type: "UPDATE_STATE" });
selectorsFromCache = matches;
dispatch({ type: "ENABLE_ICON" });
dispatch({ type: "GET_LIST" }, null, ({ selectors }) => {
selectorsFromNetwork = selectors;
intervalId = setInterval(runTasks, 500);