/** * @description Data properties * @type {{ classes: string[], fixes: string[], elements: string[], skips: string[], tags: string[] }?} */ let data = null; /** * @description Shortcut to send messages to background script */ const dispatch = chrome.runtime.sendMessage; /** * @description Current hostname * @type {string} */ const hostname = document.location.hostname.split('.').slice(-3).join('.').replace('www.', ''); /** * @description Options provided to observer * @type {MutationObserverInit} */ const options = { childList: true, subtree: true }; /** * @description Is consent preview page? */ const preview = hostname.startsWith('consent.') || hostname.startsWith('myprivacy.'); /** * @description Element that were being removed count * @type {number} */ let elementCount = 0; /** * @description Extension state * @type {{ enabled: boolean }} */ let state = { enabled: true }; /** * @description Cleans DOM * @param {Element[]} nodes * @param {boolean?} skipMatch * @returns {void} */ const clean = (nodes, skipMatch) => { const targets = nodes.filter((node) => match(node, skipMatch)); targets.forEach((node) => { node.remove(); elementCount += 1; }); }; /** * @description Cleans DOM * @returns {void} */ const forceClean = () => { if (data?.elements.length && state.enabled && !preview) { const nodes = [...document.querySelectorAll(data.elements)]; if (nodes.length) { fix(); clean(nodes, true); elementCount += nodes.length; } } }; /** * @description Matches if node element is removable * @param {Element} node * @param {boolean?} skipMatch * @returns {boolean} */ const match = (node, skipMatch) => { if (!(node instanceof HTMLElement)) return false; const rect = node.getBoundingClientRect(); const isFullscreen = rect.bottom + rect.top > 0 && rect.bottom - rect.top === 0; const isVisible = rect.top <= (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight); return ( !data?.tags.includes(node.tagName?.toUpperCase?.()) && (isFullscreen || isVisible) && (node.offsetParent || window.getComputedStyle(node).position === 'fixed') && node.parentElement && (skipMatch || node.matches(data?.elements ?? [])) ); }; /** * @description Fixes scroll issues */ const fix = () => { document.getElementsByClassName('_31e')[0]?.classList.remove('_31e'); if (data?.skips.length && !data.skips.includes(hostname)) { for (const item of [document.body, document.documentElement]) { item?.classList.remove(...(data?.classes ?? [])); item?.style.setProperty('position', 'initial', 'important'); item?.style.setProperty('overflow-y', 'initial', 'important'); } } for (const fix of data?.fixes ?? []) { const [match, selector, action, property] = fix.split('##'); if (hostname.includes(match)) { switch (action) { case 'click': { const node = document.querySelector(selector); node?.click(); break; } case 'remove': { const node = document.querySelector(selector); node?.style?.removeProperty(property); break; } case 'reset': { const node = document.querySelector(selector); node?.style?.setProperty(property, 'initial', 'important'); break; } case 'resetAll': { const nodes = document.querySelectorAll(selector); nodes.forEach((node) => node?.style?.setProperty(property, 'initial', 'important')); break; } default: break; } } } }; /** * @description Mutation Observer instance * @type {MutationObserver} */ const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => { const nodes = mutations.map((mutation) => Array.from(mutation.addedNodes)).flat(); fix(); if (data?.elements.length && !preview) clean(nodes); }); /** * @description Fixes already existing element when page load issues * @listens window#load */ window.addEventListener('load', () => { if (elementCount < 2) forceClean(); }); /** * @description Fixes bfcache issues * @listens window#pageshow */ window.addEventListener('pageshow', (event) => { if (event.persisted) forceClean(); }); /** * @async * @description Sets up everything */ (async () => { state = (await dispatch({ hostname, type: 'GET_STATE' })) ?? state; dispatch({ type: 'ENABLE_POPUP' }); if (state.enabled) { data = await dispatch({ hostname, type: 'GET_DATA' }); observer.observe(document.body ?? document.documentElement, options); dispatch({ type: 'ENABLE_ICON' }); } })();